Home Reference Source Test Repository


Description Identifier Count

should declare a shared service


should declare a shared service with dependencies


should expose a Shared decorator


should declare a factory service


should declare a factory service with dependencies


should expose a Factory decorator


should extend a service


should pass extended service as first constructor argument


should expose a Extend decorator


should inject dependencies


should use provided arguments


should expose a Use decorator


should expose a Inject decorator


should declare a shared service with dependencies


should declare a shared service with dependencies


should instanciate


should be empty


should be frozen


should return jsimple instance


should define service


should store callable


should store value as callable


should tag callable


should not tag same callable twice


should return jsimple instance


should wrap callable


should overwrite existing service


should refuse to override an already fetched service


should share service instance


should receive jsimple instance as an argument


should return jsimple instance


should wrap callable


should refuse to override an already fetched service


should refuse to override an already executed factory


should not share service instance


should receive jsimple instance as an argument


should return jsimple instance


should extend existing service


should receive base service instance as first argument


should receive jsimple instance as second argument


should refuse to extend an already fetched service


should refuse to extend an already used factory


should inject jsimple


should inject given service


should inject given services


should wrap callable


should return raw callable


should return raw callable for value


should return tagged service names


should return service names associated with several tags


should return a proxified instance


should be extensible


should be idempotent


should not override native methods


should fetch service


should execute factory


should refuse to override native methods


should define a shared service


should check if service exists


should check if factory exists


should prevent deletion


should receive jsimple proxy instance as an argument


should receive jsimple proxy instance as an argument


should keep current state
