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"use strict";

try {
} catch (err) {
    throw new Error("You should install harmony-reflect module and use the --harmony_proxies flag to use this feature");


 * @ignore
let Jsimple = require(".");

 * @access private
 * @extends {Jsimple}
 * @extends {Proxy}
class JsimpleProxy extends Proxy {
     * Builds a proxy on a Jsimple instance
     * @param {Jsimple} [jsimple] A Jsimple instance to wrap in a Proxy
    constructor(jsimple) {
        let handler = {
            get: (target, name) => {
                return name in target ? target[name] : target.get(name);

            set: (target, name, value, receiver) => {
                if (name in target) {
                    throw new Error(`Cannot define a service named ${name}`);

                target.share(name, value);

                return true;

            has: (target, name) => target.exists(name),

            deleteProperty: () => false

        super(jsimple || new Jsimple(), handler);

module.exports = JsimpleProxy;